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HAIR ARTIST ヘアクリエイターって?

Updated: Feb 18, 2018

Whenever I first graduated Cosmetology school and started to cut hair people would always ask me, "What do you call yourself? A Hairstylists, a Hairdresser, a Cosmetologist?"

For years I answered with a simple " Any of them work!"

Now after studying at the STEP BONE CUT ACADEMY and training with Sayuri Ushio, she has taught me that we are doing much more than cutting hair, we are creating a work of art.

So instead, we call ourselves Hair Artists. People who not only cut hair, but who design a pattern by following the STEP BONE CUT system and understanding our canvas; our client.

Each client is looked at as a blank canvas. As artists, we evaluate what shape we are working with and how we can create a design that will live happily and in harmony with our canvas. We strive to create haircuts that become your hairstyle. By that, we mean that you should not have to style your hair every day to make it look the way that you would like. You should never have to fight with your hair to create a beautiful style. The style should be the cut alone.

We believe that young hairstylists should learn to look at themselves as artists and creators, because that is exactly what they are. You shape and change the way people see themselves, You can evoke emotions from your work. It's what every artists aims to achieve.

Express yourself through the work you create.

Learn how to do so at STEP BONE CUT ACADEMY.

Thank you for reading!




そんな中 STEP BONE CUT の創始者であるSAYURIは私に髪を切る以上のことを教えてくれました。私たち美容師は芸術作品を作り出しているのだと。

だから今では自分自身をヘア・アーティストと呼んでいます。髪をカットするだけでなく、STEP BONE CUTシステムに従ってパターンをデザインし、キャンバスを描くように髪を創る。


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